Bellevue/Eastside: Get a Free UberREMIX Ride Today!
/I got to ride in a Porsche and a sweet vintage car thanks to Uber and Hershey's new Take5 bar, and if you're on the Eastside (Bellevue/Redmond/Kirkland etc.) today, you can get a free ride too! Details in the Uber newsroom and below:

- Enter the promo code TAKE5REMIX to unlock the REMIX option
- Request a ride on the REMIX option on Friday, June 24 and Saturday, June 25 from 2-8pm in this uberREMIX zone
- If an uberREMIX car is available, you’ll be connected to a driver for your free ride
- Enjoy a delicious TAKE5 bar while you cruise around the Eastside.
- Availability is extremely limited and rides are subject to availability
- Share your uberREMIX experience mentioning @Uber_SEA and @TAKE5 with hashtags #myTAKE5 and #TAKE5
- Some cars are limited to 1 passenger, while others can accommodate 2-4. If you get matched, make sure to coordinate seat space with your driver before you’re picked up.
- Rides will only be available on the Eastside
- Your uberREMIX ride is free (up to 20 minutes) within the uberREMIX zone
- The TAKE5 Bar is five layers of sweet and salty remixed goodness that doesn’t ask you to compromise. It’s crunchy pretzels, smooth peanut butter, salty peanuts and sweet caramel—all wrapped in silky milk chocolate— it’s an unexpected and amazing treat.