Resolution Challenge 2014: Love & Listen to Your Body
/One of my favorite pop culture guilty pleasures is live-tweeting award shows. So naturally, I'm minding my own live-tweetin' business during Beyonce's opening performance when I start to see tweets like, "How can I look like her? It's not fair," "I need to get back on my diet," or "That's it. I'm going vegan. If that's what it takes to look like Beyonce." Sigh.
"I was 195 when I gave birth. I lost 65 pounds. I worked CRAZILY to get my body back." - Queen Bey (at 3:23)
I could go a million ways with what I saw on Twitter last night, but the only thing I really want to say is that hard work and consistency gets you wherever you want to go. Beyonce's dedication and work ethic are absolutely other level, and that's what I admire/aspire from her more than anything. I am never going to look like her. I am very aware of that - and also very content with what I'm workin with.
Yeah I don't be lookin anything like that. Photo via GQ
Every day of this Resolution Challenge (and beyond) is a lesson in persistence and understanding where and how my energy is spent. I understand how much my body and mind are mine and mine alone, and my time is best spent when I'm focused on them. I've worked super hard to do my best, with the goal of feeling and looking my best. And every time I've fallen off, I get back on. Every time.
Make yourself! Image via Pinterest
Tuning into your body and what you need to do to get results - whether that's losing weight, toning up, training for a sport or marathon, or just to feel better about what you're seeing in the mirror - that's one of the hardest, scariest, most vulnerable things we can do. And yet, it's one of the most loving, comforting, and productive things you can do too. It's not productive looking at someone else's body and wishing yours looked like that.
That being said, I've had six days straight of some insanely good workouts sprinkled with some Zumba, and today my body called for some hot yoga and a good epsom salt bath. There was some journaling and a beautiful salad in my night too. I honestly can't remember how far along into the Resolution Challenge we are now, but I'm enjoying every minute of it.