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Aces Interview: Jaclyn Johnson

The Aces interview series are a little look into the lifestyle of people I admire who are doing amazing things for their community and world.

Today, please meet Jaclyn Johnson!

L.A. is home to most of my favorite fashion bloggers. One of those is Jaclyn, whose Some Notes on Napkins blog I've been following for a couple of years now. The graphic design in her posts drew me into the blog, so it was no surprise to find out she'd founded a creative agency, There is No Subject. The hustlers who use their blog as the gateway to pursue their dreams are the best kinds of inspiration to have. Read on for what's lighting up Jaclyn's life right now:

What's on your playlist right now?

The new Jai Paul album is amazing. I also love Night Time Sound Desire, RHYE and Lorde.

Describe your style.

Consistently changing. Some days I feel like a good drop crotch and others a baby doll dress. I tend to stick to earth tones and simple silhouettes. so ever changing simplicity, maybe?

Who inspires you?

People who are loyal. There are very few people in this life that can pick you up when you are down and generally be on your team. I am lucky to be surrounded by amazing hard-working women and business owners that all lift each other. To name names, Alisa Leonard (French BK), Jasmine Takanikos (Jas Consulting Group), Geri Hirsch (leaftv), Jeanine Pesce (We Are Range) - they all have businesses but are creative geniuses as well and they consistently inspire me.)

What are you reading?

I just finished Contagious by Jonah Berger which was a great read. I also finished Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In between flights to NYC-- a must for any lady getting her hustle on.

What are you most excited about in the coming months? 

Create + Cultivate, my company's creative event series is hitting the road! We are hosting our first one in Portland on July 27th and another one in Brooklyn in late August. I am so excited for Portland as we are working with super dope brands like WildFang, Betsy and Iya and more! Plus the space we are hosting it in is like a creative playground.

Thank you!

Find Jaclyn at Some Notes on Napkins (her blog), There is No Subject (her agency) and Create + Cultivate (the event.)

Read all of my Aces interviews here.